Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Invisible Cage

It's like a stainless steel trap. You're not sure where it came from or even when it first appeared. But you know that you're already at the point where you don't know how to get out. You want it gone. It blocks you off from your relationships, your thought processes, your self-image, your self-worth. People try to tell you it's not there. "Oh, if only you'd just act normal like the rest of us", they say. They make you feel like it's all in your head - and maybe it is. But you didn't dream it up. Somebody worked hard to put you in there ... somebody who believes you're worth nothing more than a cheap laugh.

My name is E.N. I'm 26 years old, and I am a survivor of emotional abuse. I've lived inside the invisible cage my entire life. It's been a few years since I escaped the abuse, but even now I know that I'll never be able to totally shake off the effects of my life's experiences. Yet I know now that it's possible to find my way out of the cage.

Remember that old saying, "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? I don't believe it. Words hurt. Words have the power to destroy. Only words echo in your mind for years after they've been screamed at you. But I believe that any and every abuse victim can be a survivor. I encourage you to make the healing journey with me.


  1. I read once that "sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will break your heart." I'm so happy that you are finally physically free. My father was emotionally abusive, as were both of my husbands. I too am finally free, and for the first time in my life I have peace in my home. I want to be a good example for my children to choose better.

  2. Thank you so much for posting! For all that you've gone through, I'm really happy to hear that you've escaped the madness, too. The fact that you've decided to be a better example to your children makes me believe you'll be successful. It's not easy to choose to want BETTER for your life!
