Monday, September 21, 2009
How Did They Do It?
Antwone Fisher was abused by his foster family growing up, and by the time he was 18 he was living on the streets. Now he's a heralded African-American poet and screenplay writer.
Janice Dickinson was abused by her father growing up, ran away from home at age 15, and had nearly nothing going for her but her good looks. But she became one of the world's most recognizable supermodels, and today she's still a big name in the fashion industry from the veteran's side.
Christina Aguilera was also abused by her father, but her mother made their escape when she was a young girl. She went on to become an accomplished singer with several Grammy awards under her belt.
Finally, Drew Barrymore grew up with an abusive father in the wings and a negligent mother, but is now a model, a highly sought-after actress, and the founder of her own film production company.
And there are so many more famous survivors out there that I would have loved to give tribute to in full, but the list is just too long for me to fit here!
So what do all of these seemingly unrelated big names have in common? What is it that each of them did (or had going for them) that helped them to twist their fates around in their favor?
I'm no expert, but there are a few things that stuck out to me that I'll post here.
Awareness: Each one of the celebrities that we've looked at so far, I've noticed, were all very aware of their situations when they were being abused. To put it more clearly, they all recognized they were being abused. Not one of them internalized their experiences as normal behavior, or treatment of another human being, even though it was happening to them only and even though they had no other references for what good treatment was supposed to look and feel like.
Rejection: Another thing I noticed about these stories is that, all of the celebrities have at least one quote out there of themselves saying that they never accepted that what was done to them was normal or good, or their fault. I think that's huge, because I think one characteristic of most abuse victims is that they tend to believe that they deserved what happened or is happening to them - and that's entirely not true. But these people were brave enough to declare to themselves, at least, that "no, this isn't right - I don't deserve this in any way".
"Cocooning": This is just my own fancy term for what I think is simply, removing themselves from a bad situation. Each of the celebrities mentally, emotionally, and physically cut themselves off from their abuse, before it could rob them of their spirits. Some of them ran away and started lives on their own, pursuing their dreams far away from where their abusers could harm them. They all refused to engage with or contact their abusers while they were in the process of healing themselves by being away from the abuse ("cocooning", haha) - and some of them have vowed never to contact their abusers again. (Christina Aguilera and Janice Dickinson have both sworn off their fathers and won't even meet with them, even now that it's been several years since they were last mistreated). I think this is so important because the victims took the time to find out what the real world is like for themselves through different glasses. Then they could finally begin to learn that what happened to them was unique, and not characteristic of how the world works, so that they could learn to function.
Self-determination: Each of the celebrities figured out who they wanted to be, then went out and became that person - regardless of whether or not they would be liked, respected, or even good at what they became. They just pursued their dreams. Through trial and error, they also experimented with ways of expressing themselves. Some of them stumbled onto the typical victim's path of drug abuse and promiscuity, but they learned quick and bounced right back off that track when they realized those things were in the way of what they wanted out of life. None of these people apologize for who they've become in any way. They found that, since no one was going to teach them how to do things, they would have to make their own mould.
And each person met with great success!
From time to time, I'm going to be posting more pictures on my sidebar of famous people who have accomplished great things, even though they've lived through terrible abuse. But in the meantime, thank you for following the study! In future posts, we can go into more detail about what it means for us everyday people to be able to overcome emotional abuse.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I've been away for a few days while I get things in order for a new university degree I'm pursuing, so I won't be posting as regularly as I would like to be. But I look forward to having a new addition up by the weekend!
Thank you for reading so faithfully :). Please send any suggestions to or feel free to comment on any of the posts. Have a great week!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Celebrity Victories: Part 4 of 4
The last person I chose to focus on for this case study is a great example, I think, because she's done so well for herself even after growing up in the public eye that most people don't even remember that she was once a victim!

Her life at home was more troubled. Drew's father was neglectful, and when he reunited with the family when she was 3, John was verbally and psychologically abusive towards Drew and her mother. Drew's mother also had very little time for her while she worked two full-time jobs, leaving a young Drew to fend for and almost raise herself. Drew's memories about her father were especially painful, although her relationship with her mother was also nearly non-existant:
"I really love him. I hated him while I was growing up. He was an abusive
asshole. But now that I've grown up, I do love him. For a crazy person he's
the most intelligent, fascinating man I've ever met, but he is crazy.
Omigod, he's insane! He'll, like, leave a crazy message every couple of
months, maybe. But he's off, sucking the marrow out of life like no other
human being. He sucks it dry! He's like the vacuum cleaner of life. It's
sort of hard. But I know that he loves me. His ways of showing it are very
peculiar, you know? I've accepted it. So I don't have that pain anymore."
Drew's drug problems never returned. She revamped her image as a young doe-eyed seductress and went on to star in movies such as Poison Ivy (1992) and Guncrazy (1993) - and adopted a wild streak, posing for Playboy and nude for the magazine Interview, dancing topless on the desk on Late Show with David Letterman, and getting scolded by her god-father and family friend Steven Spielberg. Toning down her image won her even more roles. Drew starred in Boys on the Side, Mad Love, Batman Forever, Scream, The Wedding Singer, Home Fries, and with her own newly founded production company Flower Films, Charlie's Angels, Never Been Kissed, and Charlie's Angels 2: Full Throttle by the close of the 20th century. In 1991, she got engaged to Leland Hayward and called it off within a few months, then to Jamie Walters from 1992-1993, and finally was married to Jeremy Thomas in 1994. The marriage dissolved in another few months and Drew married for the second time to comedic actor Tom Green in 2001, with Green filing for divorce in 2002.
Drew gradually grew into a lovely, refined, and likeable lady with a mature outlook on life and perpetual positivity. Her production company helped to finance such film projects as Donnie Darko, Duplex with Ben Stiller in 2003, 50 First Dates with Adam Sandler and his production company Happy Madison in 2004, and Fever Pitch, Music and Lyrics, Beverly Hills Chihuahua, and He's Just Not That Into You in 2008. She's now expected to direct the third film in the Twilight series in 2010.
Drew has been inducted into the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2004. She's also one of the highest-paid film actresses in Hollywood to date, and still holds the record for the youngest person to host Saturday Night Live from 1982. Drew even works as a model, becoming the newest face to join Covergirl Cosmetics in 2007, and the face of Gucci jewelry that same year. Her philanthropic efforts are also as heartfelt as her career choices. She supports various abuse centers and drives annually, was named the Ambassador Against World Hunger for the UN in 2007 shortly before donating $1 million to its program, and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show on various occassions to promote her charities.
Few will argue against Drew's beauty, talent, drive, or spirit, but not that many people remember all that much about her history with abuse. But the pain and scars of living with child abuse are just that for Drew - a distant memory.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Celebrity Victories: Part 3 of 4
This young woman was at the height of her career during the late '90s to the early 21st century, but I'm sure many readers would recognize her name even today. Personally, I love her swagger and was a big fan even before I learned of her history!

Monday, August 31, 2009
Celebrity Victories: Part 2 of 4
You're going to think I'm absolutely crazy for who I've picked next. It's arguable that this woman is just off-her-rocker "out there". She's loud, she's unapologetic, she's in your face, and sometimes she's just plain insulting. But she doesn't care who doesn't like her - she likes herself enough for the whole world, thank you very much! LOL I picked this woman because she's fun to watch, and even aside from her silly personality, she's accomplished a lot.

"My father was a tall, slim, handsome man with a thick head of silver hair, buzzed flat, and gunmetal gray yes. People liked Ray. He had an easy smile. A pleasant laugh. He was a good storyteller, a good listener, popular with the neighbors. But I didn't often see that easy smile. Or hear that pleasant laugh. I saw, instead, the way his eyes changed color when he got angry, the whites glowing red. Or the way he balled up his big, freckled fists when he came after me, like a bull in heat. I hated him. I hated his eyes; his hair; that acrid breath; the wife-beater, Fruit of the Loom T-shirts. I hated him with every fiber of my being. I hated my mother, too; hated her because she was numbed into oblivion with the pills she'd been prescribed for an old back injury. She would come home at the end of the day, floating, and she stayed aloft with the help of those lovely pills. She would glide through the house on a cushion of air, in slow motion, unaware, unseeing, her voice soft, her mind elsewhere, always smiling this benign Hare Krishna smile -- like she was At One With God or something; which she was, I guess, at least chemically."
Janice was determined to be a success, if only to be able to stay away from her abusive family forever. She began calling modeling agencies incessantly. At the time, the top working models in the industry were the blond, "girl next door" types (like Cheryl Tiegs and Jean Shrimpton), and Janice hardly fit the mold with her dark hair, dark eyes, and plump lips. She went to Ford and was turned down by the modeling agency for those lips, but ended up going to Paris after her new friend, actress Lorraine Bracco, told her boyfriend - who was a photographer - to check Janice out. Janice became a European hit and finally returned to New York City in 1978, where her career took off.
Janice's wild streak emerged with her rising fame. She spent much of her youth in the notorious Studio 54 and with the celebrities of the time like Truman Capote, Andy Warhol, and John Belushi. She also began to experiment with men and women - sleeping, allegedly, with Prince Albert II, Warren Beatty, John Cusack, Mick Jagger, Grace Jones, John F. Kennedy, Jr., Kelly LeBrock, Jon Lovitz, Dolph Lundgren, Liam Neeson, Jack Nicholson, Bruce Willis, and Frank Zappa, among others - and drugs, taking up alcohol, cocaine, and heroin. Soon Janice became known for her brash, wild personality. Once while still riding the high off of recreational drugs, Janice fell off a runway and into Sophia Loren's lap. Janice also became the self-proclaimed first supermodel. In E! Network's E! True Hollywood Story, she described how she coined the term "supermodel" in 1979. Her manager, concerned that at the peak of her modeling career she was doing too much work, told her, "You are not Superman." Janice replied, "I am not Superman, I am a supermodel." She got to a point in her career where she was virtually untouchable, appearing in Harper's Bazaar, Vogue (a staggering 37 times on its cover), and Playboy, and working with huge fashion houses Giorgio Armani, Gianni Versace, and Calvin Klein. Remembering when Ford snubbed her at the start of her career, Janice finally got her revenge when she signed with Elite Model Management, telling Ford, "It's me, big-lipped Janice. I'm going to Elite. I don't like you, I've never liked you."
Janice first married in the early '80s to Ron Levy, then in 1987 to Simon Fields (a marriage that lasted 6 years), and finally to Albert "Alan" B. Gerston in 1995 (which lasted 1 year). Her marriage to Fields produced her first son, Nathan Fields, and later a relationship with Michael Birnbaum produced her daughter Savannah Dickinson. At first, Janice believed her daughter's father was Sylvester Stallone, with whom she'd been having an affair, but this was settled after much public speculation and a paternity test. In 2002, Janice wrote her autobiography, and followed that up with her second book in 2004, Everything About Me Is Fake...And I'm Perfect!, in which she describes her battles with self-esteem, her alcoholism, drug abuse, anoxeria and bulimia, her experience with plastic surgery, and her modeling career.
Since her victim's past and racy youth, Janice has cleaned up her act considerably - but she's still Janice! She's overcome her struggles with substance abuse and indiscrepant sex, and is now at the point where she can poke fun at her experiences. She acted as a judge on the wildly popular reality TV show America's Next Top Model for four years alongside Tyra Banks, and moved on to have her own show, The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency. In 2005, Janice was a contestant on The Surreal Life for its fifth season, and there she spoke candidly to the rest of the contestants about her abusive childhood. Janice is now working on a fourth book after her funny and tender Check Please! Dating, Mating and Extricating, and has begun work philanthropically as a motivational speaker, travelling to various schools to speak about child abuse.
Say what you will about her, but Janice has never apologized for who she is or what she wants out of life. She became a self-made success out of ashes, and has never assumed her parents' pathology as her own. When learned patterns of self-destruction threatened to overcome her, Janice snuffed all of those crippling behaviors out of her life. She is open and candid about her mistakes as well as her triumphs, and has a kill-or-be-killed spirit about life in general. Janice made herself fit - in turn, she's broken the mold and gone on to be a great, if kooky (!), example of "independent woman"...gone wild!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Celebrity Victories: Part 1 of 4
I chose to start with someone not quite so recognizable, but definitely commendable.

"I think back upon a childhood full of longing for belonging, and see my
life now as what I have created out of my dreams. An image comes to mind of
Mrs. Brown at the orphanage in Cleveland, me sitting at her side, telling
her, "you'll read about me someday." I was definitely dreaming then.With no
evidence of that ever being possible, I clung to that preposterous vision
and with the force of those dreams willed it and made it happen. Not because
I needed to be famous, but because I needed a world that made me feel
uninvited to be wrong. So I imagined myself free, I imagined myself loved, I
imagined myself... as somebody."
--Antwone Fisher
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Not everyone deals with their abused experiences the same way, which is something I learned while researching the lives of Tatum O'Neal, Eminem, and Michael Jackson for my 3-part celebrity case study. Tatum O'Neal seemed to adopt a "that's the breaks" type of response to everything she's been through, and it looks like she's quietly, slowly, gradually withering away because of that. Eminem apparently took his pain and lashed out at the world with it - his rap career is based on making everyone in the world his enemy, especially other females. (I don't think he would actually do any of the heinous things he raps about, like killing and raping others, but the fact that he's even rapping about them at all is unsettling enough.) Finally, Michael Jackson tried to "fix" everything that he perceived was wrong with him - his body and his childhood - because of his father's cruelty.
So, left on their own, the effects of emotional abuse don't seem to fade on their own. Actually, they stay attached to a victim and rot him or her away until there's nothing left. I think of emotional abuse as similar to transferring a parasite: one set of self-destructive feelings goes from one host to another. But, just like dealing with a real-life parasite, the effects of emotional abuse can be "wormed" out of a victim. It just takes a specific remedy.
In my next set of posts, I'm going to take on a new case study of emotional abuse victims who have gone on to survive and thrive. Then we'll see what we can learn from their examples about how to live well after it's all over. :)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
When To Believe The Hype
Let's go through what I think are some typical abuser red flags.

- Ryan O'Neal (father and abuser of Tatum O'Neal) has publicly denied and refused to acknowledge the allegations made by his daughter in her autobiography, A Paper Life. He has been quoted on the subject saying "It is a sad day when malicious lies are told in order to become a 'best-seller'."
- Debbie Mathers-Briggs (mother and abuser of Marshall Mathers III, rapper name "Eminem") went public trying to disclaim her son's accusations of abuse: In her tell-all book "My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem", Nelson [her new marital surname] reveals, "After his first album 'Infinite' flopped, he reinvented himself as white trailer trash with a crazy welfare mom. I was shocked when I first heard the lyrics - but he constantly reassured me it was all a big joke. I went along with it for Marshall's sake."
Nelson insists she is now tired of being criticized for her supposed poor parenting skills, and has written the tome to "set the record straight". - Joe Jackson (father and abuser of Michael Jackson) owned up to physically abusing his children in an interview with Louis Theroux for a BBC TV documentary in 2003 - but he didn't call it physical abuse. Joe admitted to smacking his children under the guise of discipline, but has never publicly acknowledged his psychological destruction tactics against his son.
- Ryan O'Neal was quoted as saying he hates his son Griffin, and "A couple of [my children] I would take back." "I don't think I was supposed to be a father. Just look around at my work–they're either in jail or they should be." How vile.
- Debbie Mathers-Briggs estranged herself from her famous son once he went public with her abuse, but now that she is allegedly dying of cancer, she seeks to reconcile. In a recent article from "The Mirror", she claims: "I am dying of cancer, but my son Eminem won't pay to save me."
- Joe Jackson and Michael were estranged for many years after Michael first told of his abusive childhood during an interview with Oprah in the early 90s. They apparently didn't reconcile until shortly before his death - at least, that's how the story goes. I'm not sure I believe it.
- Ryan O'Neal has been criticized in the media for the end of his relationship with Farrah Fawcett, with many people believing he only remained by her side until death in hopes of getting the lion's share of her wealth in her will. At one point he was in vocal support of Tatum writing an autobiography, hoping to benefit from the sales, until she published incriminating accusations against him.
- Debbie Mathers-Briggs actually sued her son. Other mothers who have been embarrassed by their famous children's actions go public and express concern for their children, try to get them professional help, or otherwise try to intervene - they don't care so much about their own image, it's about saving the child. Britney Spears' mom, for all his mistakes, is such an example. Amy Winehouse's family has also done this. But when Eminem attacked her in his first album, his mother sued him and won millions of dollars in damages. She's also written her own rap song in retaliation against Eminem (the title of which escapes me, please Google it if you're interested), wrote a book, and with her new husband operates a website on her son where you have to pay to have access to prescious childhood memories and little known facts.
- Joe Jackson's behavior towards Michael has always been in-your-face despicable. Clearly, he set up the Jackson 5 to benefit himself and himself alone - his children's success was a mere byproduct. But I think it's very telling how he's behaved especially after news of Michael's death. During an interview with CNN, Joe came on air and promptly opened the interview with a plug for his own hip-hop recording project. He was labeled as insensitive, and came out again a few days later in a press conference saying he had honestly answered a question about what he had been doing, and mentioned his recording project again before going on to praise Michael's life and work.
- Ryan O'Neal used to play this game with Tatum, separating himself from her and her, not attending her wedding, and otherwise living the good life dating Farrah Fawcett and making movies, enjoying a long career. But now it seems the sympathy tide is shifting in Tatum's favor, and Ryan actually helped to support her case by making it public that he hit on her at Farrah Fawcett's funeral like the cad he was always accused to be.
- Debbie Mathers-Briggs is still holding on to her "good mom with a bad son" image, but the public stopped buying a long time ago - she's just self-deluding. Eminem is clearly damaged (and looks as if he might stay that way, sadly), but he's gained a lot of support because people are starting to believe his claims. Not excuse him - just believe him. Family members and friends, including Eminem's ex-wife and Eminem's brother Nathan, have spoken out against Debbie in support of what Eminem's described of her.
- Michael Jackson gained the majority of his sympathy vote after his death, as clearly the media that once battered him to a pulp with the "Wacko Jacko" label, is starting to side with him. People are coming forward with more and more insights into Michael Jackson's life, and his character is getting more layers added to it. Joe Jackson is gradually being painted as more and more of the tyrant he was always accused by Michael and the rest of his children to be. Joe is helping them along with his insensitive public appearances, too.
Just a thought.
Celebrity Casualties: Part 3 of 3
I think we're nearly at a saturation point when it comes to hearing about this famous person, in wake of the tragic circumstances surrounding his recent death. It's probably safe to say that we're all acquainted with the basics of this man's story. But I saved this study for last because I think it's easily the standout case of a miserable history, a downward spiral, and all the potential in the world.

Michael became the household name to put all other household names to shame, but evidence that his past still had a grip on him showed up in all areas of his life. During the filming of The Wiz it was reported that Michael accidentally broke his nose and arranged for rhinoplasty to fix the damage, but that the procedure left some problems and he required a second procedure. Michael confirmed this during a televised interview with Martin Bashir. However, a look at his photos throughout the years proves that his nose was more than corrected - it was all but removed as a result of several procedures. When his skin began to pale gradually from its rich chocolate color of birth in the mid-80s, Michael's publicity claimed that he had been diagnosed with vitiligo and lupus, which made him sensitive to sunlight and lightened his skin. In accordance, his forehead seemed to have been surgically lifted, his lips thinned, his cheekbones sculpted, and an artificial cleft was grooved into his chin. Michael was also alleged, at one point, to suffer from anorexia nervosa under the guise of wanting to keep a "dancer's body". He changed his hair to a sleek, dark and straight shoulder-length cut. He made friends with eccentric former starlets Elizabeth Taylor and Liza Minelli, and famous child actor Macaulay Culkin. The critical point of Michael's ultimate fall came in 1999, when he was accused of sexually molesting one of the young boys he had grown accustomed to entertaining and befriending at his whimsical playground and home, Neverland Ranch - and being sued again in 2003 with a fresh claim that bankrupted him spiritually and financially. From then on, Michael lived in seclusion with his 3 young children Prince Michael, Paris-Michael Katherine, and Prince Michael II nicknamed "Blanket" by the media, who were birthed by surrogate mothers and what is still rumored to be Caucasian sperm donors. When he was finally reported to have succumbed to a prescription drug addiction in June of 2009, Michael had already evidently been living life as a shell of a human being.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Celebrity Casualties: Part 2 of 3
The following case is a controversial one, because the image the former victim presents publicly is clearly deranged - even though it's almost mandatory to seem crazy or dangerous in this line of entertainment in order to have artist's "credibility". I, personally, am not a fan, but I do recognize that this man has an extraordinary amount of talent as a rapper. I also believe every thread of miserable detail surrounding this artist's upbringing is true.

Growing up in such a confusing and dangerous household, Marshall was a withdrawn and socially awkward child with few friends. He spent most of his youth alone at home playing video games and reading comics, listening to hip-hop music, and trying to escape the bullying he had to weather every day at school - a fear that eventually led to his skipping school frequently by the ninth grade, and final drop-out at age 17. He met his girlfriend Kimberly Ann Scott in high school and when she became pregnant and gave birth to their daughter Hailie Jade Scott in 1996, Marshall began to actively pursue his dreams as a rapper in order to support his new family. He recorded his first album, Infinite, but it was a critical fail and Marshall attempted to commit suicide by overdosing on Tylenol when Kim ended their relationship shortly after. His suicide attempt failed, so Marshall sought out to try rapping again and reconciled with Kim, marrying her in 1999.
Celebrity Casualties: Part 1 of 3
Tatum O'Neal

Monday, August 24, 2009
Effects of Emotional Abuse
I think it's also important to note that most psychologists agree, the effects of emotional abuse on a victim when compared with the effects experienced by victims of any other type of abuse (e.g. physical) are usually the most severe. This is largely because emotional abuse is a type of brainwashing, where the victim begins to internalize what is happening or has happened to them and define themselves by those negative experiences over time.
Victims of emotional abuse tend to display:
- low self-esteem
- low self-confidence
- a negative self-concept
- deep-rooted feeling of worthlessness, believing that no one could love them
- tendency to minimize the seriousness of their experiences, or its effects, to themselves and others
Furthermore, from, is this list:
- Can only guess at what healthy behavior is.
- Have trouble completing things
- Lie when they don't need to. Lying might have been a survival tactic in the home.
- Judge themselves without mercy.
- Have trouble accepting compliments.
- Often take responsibility for problems, but not successes. Or they go to the other extreme and refuse to take any responsibility for mistakes while trying to take credit for the work of others.
- Have trouble having fun since their childhoods were lost, stolen, repressed.
- Take themselves very seriously or not seriously at all.
- Have difficulty with intimate relationships.
- Expect others to just "know what they want." (They can't express it because they were so often disappointed as children that they learned to stop asking for things.)
- Over-react to things beyond their control.
- Constantly seek approval & affirmation.
- Feel different from others.
- Are extremely loyal, even when facing overwhelming evidence that their loyalty is undeserved.
- Are either super responsible or super irresponsible.
- Tend to lock themselves into a course of action without giving serious consideration to alternative behaviors or possible consequences. (This impulsiveness leads to confusion, self-loathing, and loss of control over their environment. The result is they spend much energy blaming others, feeling victimized and cleaning up messes.)
These lists aren't exhaustive, and also don't describe the situation of every emotional abuse survivor - but I think they're a good starting place, if only just to try and understand the extent to which a person can be damaged by this type of treatment.
Monday, August 17, 2009
How Do You Know?
- Does he/she tend to be unforgiving? Does he/she say things like "I will never be able to forgive you for that" or "If you do so and so I would never be able to forgive you."
- Does he/she make unforgiving comments about other people by saying things like "What he did was unforgivable."
- Is it hard or impossible for he/she to admit mistakes?
- Does he/she always have to have the last word?
- Is it important for him/her that he/she always appears to be right and to win all the arguments?
- Does he/she make you feel responsible for his/her feelings (for happiness or unhappiness or hurt or disappointments)?
- Does he/she tell you he/she is disappointed in you?
- Does he/she ever tell you that you don't deserve things? For example, "You don't deserve all the things I do for you."
- Does he/she try to get you to question your own intelligence by saying things like "You think you are so smart. But you are not." or "You are not smart as you like to think you are." Or "If you are so smart, how can you do something so stupid.?" or "Why didn't you think of that?"
- Does he/she say things like "You could do better" in a disapproving way?
- When you say something which is too close to the truth or when you point out how he/she is acting hypocriticaly does he/she feel threatened and say things like: "Don't get smart with me" or "That's absurd" or "You have no idea what you are talking about" or "What gives you the right to say that?" or "How dare you say that?"
- Does he/she threaten you with statements like "If you ever do that again..." or "The next time I catch you..." Or "This is the last time..."
- Does he/she punish you with grounding, taking away the phone, tv, computer etc.? Or, in more adult circumstances, withholding financial information, restricting phone and computer use, controlling who you associate with, etc.?
- Does he/she threaten you with total rejection by saying things like: "Get out of the house and never come back." or "I don't want to ever talk to you again." or "If you leave, don't plan on coming back."
- Has he/she ever locked you out of the house?
- Does he/she make you believe you are a bad friend/companion/partner by saying things like "What did I do to deserve you?" or"All the others have friends/companions/partners who ... , but I got stuck with you." or "Why can't you be like so and so?" $or "Why can't you be more like so and so?"
- Do you ever feel hated by him/her?
- Does he/she tell you what you "should" do a lot?
- Has he/she ever hit you on the arms, back, shoulders or head?
- Has he/she ever pulled you by the hair?
- Has he/she ever try to physically stop you from getting out of the house?
- Has he/she ever pulled the phone line out when you were talking on it? (Or taken it out of your hands and hung up?)
- Has he/she ever disconnected the computer while you were on it?
- Has he/she ever slapped you in the face?
- Has he/she slapped you in the past 6 months? 30 days?
- Does he/she say things like "Oh great. This is all I need" or "This is just what I need right now" in a sarcastic way, when you are trying to tell him/her how you feel about a situation?
- Does he/she say things like "I can't believe you would do something like that!" or 'I can't believe you would think that!" or "How could you say a thing like that?"
- Do you find yourself apologizing a lot to him/her?
- Does he/she make exaggerated threats like "If you don't do such and such, you are going to ... for the rest of your life."
- Does he/she make vague threats like "Either do it or else" or "There is going to be big trouble around here..."
- Has he/she ever said "I didn't ask you what you wanted!"
- Does he/she ever say things like, "If you love me, you will follow my rules."
- Does he/she ever say "Don't you dare...."
- Does he/she say things like "Don't talk to me like that." or "Don't ever let me hear you say that again."
- Does he/she say things like "Don't be so disrespectful." or "Don't be so rude."
- Does he/she say things like "Don't be so selfish."
- Does he/she say things like "Don't be so inconsiderate."
- When you ask him/her for explanations does he/she say things like: "Because it isn't normal." or "Because it is not the done thing." Or "Because you just don't do that." or "Because it is sick." or "Because it is strange" or "Because it is wrong." or "Because it is a sin." or "Because I said so." or "Because I know more than you."
- Does he/she say things like, "I don't want to hear anymore about it."
- Does he/she say things like, "Don't get fresh with me!"
- Does he/she get hurt easily?
- Does he/she get defensive easily?
- Do you ever say things like "He/she would kill me if..."
- Do you ever tell yourself or others that you can't do things because it would hurt him/her too much, or make him/her upset?
- Does he/she say things like: "You can keep your comments to yourself" or "I don't want to hear any of your excuses." or "Save it. I am not interested." or "I don't remembering asking for your opinion." or "I don't need your smart mouth." or "I don't need any back talk from you." or "Who asked you?" or "Did I ask you what you wanted?"
- Does he/she say things like, "Don't walk away from me when I am talking to you." or "Look at me when I am talking to you."?
- Does he/she interrupt you when you are talking?
- If someone asks you a question, does he/she sometimes answer it before you have a chance to?
- If someone asks you a question when he/she is with you, do you sometimes look over to him/her before you answer it?
- If someone asks you a question when he/she is with you, are you sometimes afraid to give the true answer?
- Would you lie about being hurt or abused by someone else to avoid hurting him/her or to keep the family together?
- Does he/she say things like "Well, I told you that was a bad idea, didn't I?" or "I warned you that would happen, but you didn't listen, did you?"
- Does he/she ask questions that include the answer, such as "That wasn't very polite of you, was it?" or "You left the milk out again, didn't you?"
- Does he/she say things like "Who do you think you are talking to me like that?"
- Does he/she say things like "I am the one who is supposed to be asking the questions."
- Does he/she say things like "You look like a tramp." or "You look like a slut."
- Does he/she try to control what you wear by saying things like "You're not going out dressed like that I hope." or "Don't wear those shoes with that outfit. They don't match." or "Why don't you wear your red dress to the party?"
- Does he/she buy you things that he/she knows you don't really want and then feel hurt if you try to tell him/her they are not what you wanted?
- Does he/she tell you how to do your hair?
- Does he/she start brushing your hair or changing it without asking you in a way that you would prefer he/she didn't?
- Does he/she argue with you about your clothes or hair?
- Do you often feel interrogated with a lot of questions like "Why is this towel here?" "Why are your shoes in the middle of the floor?" "Why did you take that glass instead of a smaller one?" "Why can't you go to her house later?"
- Does he/she want to know who you are talking to on the telephone or chatting with on the Internet?
- Does he/she pry in to your private life? Has he/she ever read your diary without your permission? Does he/she come into your room without knocking or waiting for you to answer?
- Does he/she taunt you by saying things like: "If I am such a companion/partner why don't you just go live somewhere else."
- Does he/she intimidate you with statements like, "You are going to break my heart if you do so and so." or "You are going to be the death of me."
- Does he/she imply that you are a bad influence on other people?
- Does he/she just expect you to do things for him/her without thanking you?
- Does he/she say things like "What did I just tell you?" or "Were you listening to anything I just said?" "How many times do I have to tell you?"
- Does he/she ask you questions about herself which are designed to make you feel guitly such as "Why do you hate me?" "Why do you think I am such a horrible companion/partner?"
- Does he/she often give you the "silent treatement" to show his/her disapproval, as a form of control, or to induce guilty feelings?
- Does he/she want you to act happy even when you are not?
- Does he/she deny things which you know for a fact are true?
- Does he/she take things personally when they were not meant to be about him/her?
- Does he/she say things like "I know you better than you know yourself"?
- Does he/she often begin sentences with, "I need you to..."?
- Does he/she often begin sentences with, "You need to..."?
- Does he/she often begin sentences with, "You have to..."?
- Does he/she say things like "Don't be so paranoid?"
- Does he/she say things like "You are too sensitive."?
- Does he/she say things like "Don't be so dramatic."?
- Does he/she say things like "Don't think so much."
- Does he/she say things like "Why don't you ever smile?", "Smile," "Cheer up."?
- Does he/she say things like, "Go ... until you can pull yourself together?", "Go ... until I tell you to come out?"
- Does he/she say things like "With everything I do for you, the least you can do is..."?
- Does he/she say things like "What's the problem? Why are you crying?"
- Does he/she say things like "What's wrong with you?" ... in a judgmental or disapproving tone?
- Does he/she say things like "You are a disgrace to the family/me"?
- Does he/she say things like "If you want to be treated like an adult, you will have to act like one"?
- Has he/she ever thrown things at you?
- Does he/she tell you not to tell people about problems in the family?
- Has he/she ever gotten angry at you for telling someone something about the family?
- Has he/she ever gotten angry at you for telling someone you are depressed?
- Has he/she ever told you to stop crying?
- Does he/she often tell you to stop complaining?
- Does he/she often complain about how your house/room looks?
- Are there a lot of things you are afraid to tell him/her?
- Does he/she tell you that you can't do a lot of things you want to do because you are too dumb, weak, or too immature?
- Does he/she blame you for not being able to do the things he/she wanted to with his/her life?
- Does he/she blame you for things which were not your fault, such as "You are the reason your best friend died." or "You are the reason your father started drinking again."
- Have you ever seen him/her drunk?
- Have you seen him/her drunk in the last 2 weeks?
Obviously most of the questions are tailored towards a parent-child dynamic, but I find that's what most emotionally abusive situations are like: the abuser sees themself as the superior of the abused.
I think if you can answer about 60% of the questions with a "Yes", it's safe to say you're in an emotionally abusive situation.
***If you'd like to view the unaltered original questionaire for determining if you have an emotionally abusive mother, please visit and click on the link titled "Mother Test" at the bottom of the main page!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Emotional Abuse
My guesses are:
- "Emotional" is harder to define on its own when viewed in comparison with other words like "physical", "verbal", and "child", to name a few. Physical is obviously anything relating to the body - so physical abuse is maltreatment of another person's body. Verbal simply means speech - so a verbally-abused person was attacked with harmful spoken words. But emotional? That's harder to pinpoint. After all, the way human beings experience emotions vary in intensity across the board, so maybe what I might feel is abusive towards my emotions might not be so offensive to you.
- Emotional abuse is still a sensitive subject in our society, almost taboo to discuss. It gets the least attention, most people don't really understand it, and most people underestimate its damage potential. Very few people come forward publicly declaring their experience with emotional abuse, which leaves a limited pool of samples for psychologists to study.
I've targeted my blog towards emotional abuse specifically because there's close to nothing out there in terms in personal experiences, and because I know firsthand that it's real. I don't mean to discredit physical, sexual, verbal abuse, etc. here, those experiences and opinions from those viewpoints are welcome, too - but my emphasis will be on emotional abuse. What I've learned as I began to research the subject is that emotional abuse seems to be the only type that umbrellas all of the rest. It's usually the case that a victim of physical abuse, sexual abuse, and the rest was also a victim of emotional abuse by the same abuser.
From, the clearest definition that I got was:
"Emotional abuse is commonly defined as the systematic tearing down of another human being. Like most forms of violence, emotional abuse is based on power and control over another person. It is probably the least understood of abuses, although it is the most prevalent and most destructive. The victim comes to see him or herself as unworthy of love, affection and respect. "
Some of the hallmarks of emotional abuse include:
-Rejecting: refusing to acknowledge a person's presence, value or worth
-Degrading: insulting, ridiculing, name-calling, imitating, yelling, swearing, publicly humiliating, and labelling a person as stupid
-Terrorizing: inducing terror or fear in a person, coercing by intimidation, threatening, stalking
-Isolating: physical confinement, limiting freedom, restricting normal contact with other people
-Corrupting/Exploiting: forcing someone to accept ideas and behaviours, using someone for profit
By this definition, it would seem like emotional abuse is so prevalent in our society that it's nothing to cry about anymore. Teachers get away with abusing their elementary school students everyday, employers berate their minions, relatives assault you and your family with snide comments at Thanksgiving dinner and by Tuesday the reunion's over until the next dreaded holiday...right?
Yes, I think emotional abuse is everywhere these days, all over the scale from mild to debilitating level. But one of the words I chose to hilight in the definition was "systematic". Emotional abuse, when it's at its most damaging, is constant and consistent by the abuser. That is the kind of abuse that robs countless numbers of people of a happy, normal functional existence in society daily.
If you're not really sold on the truth yet, try to find just one person you know who hasn't gone through any of the above.
My Story
My biological father and mother divorced when I was four years old and my brother was two, and since then I can count the number of times I've seen him on one hand. I remember enough of him from back then to know that he was physically abusive towards my mother - apart from the stories my mother tells me about him, I recall him driving her out to a bridge one night trying to get her to commit suicide, and perforating one of her eardrums during a row. My mother moved my brother and I away from him, and remarried shortly after when I was about seven. This is where most of my memories start.
I was lucky to have a stepfather that took my brother and I as his own children and loved us accordingly. But there was never anything other than pure hatred from my mother. Growing up she made my brother and I feel as though we were meant to apologize for the biological father that we had by frightening us with stories of what he did to her in graphic detail, whether we wanted to hear them or not (and it was 99.9% of the time, an emphatic not). She insulted and teased us for inheriting most of our father's physical traits, trying to make us feel ugly and barbaric. When we brought any school grade below an A+ home to show, we were called "stupid", "retarded" - but I can't think of any one time when we were rewarded for an achievement. She finally had two children by my stepfather, and from then on we would hear nonstop about us being the throwaways. Sometimes she would hit us, but it was rare (I think, because it was so terrible and my stepfather wouldn't stand for it). I've been struck with a table lamp by her hand. I've been told several times that I'd be killed. There's too much about her for me to write here. But what made me fear her the most was her cold, indifferent and hateful stare. I got the stare whenever I cried, whenever I screamed, whenever I was sick, or whenever I looked directly at her. The last time I saw it was the day she kicked me out of her house, less than a week after my stepfather died of terminal cancer a few years ago.
I don't mean to write a pity-party blog. Sometimes that's all I do for days - pity myself. I've grown up with a low self-esteem, extreme shyness, feelings of being ugly that didn't go away until I started high school, and doubt in my capability to do anything. I've also spent a lot of time being afraid of people and the world, and distrustful of adults. I'm writing this so that, maybe a little, you can identify. Or to help shatter the myth that there's "no such thing as emotional abuse".
I'll try to tackle what emotional abuse really is in my next post.